Hilton Garden Inn
The Burlington Hilton Garden Inn hotel is a unique project that was the final piece in the redevelopment of an under-utilized city block in downtown Burlington. After having worked with project developer, Redstone Commercial Group, to establish a master commercial condominium of the city block and to develop two of the units with completed projects, MSK worked with Redstone to develop the hotel and a related parking garage on a small and developmentally challenging parcel of land in a manner that integrated the fire-damaged historic Armory building into a new, state-of-the art hotel. Project construction was financed using a combination of conventional bank financing, a loan from the Vermont Economic Development Authority, and New Market Tax Credits. MSK worked with Redstone to prepare a membership offering to raise project capital, to negotiate a contract with the project design-builder, to negotiate loan documents with the project’s conventional lenders and with the project’s New Market Tax Credit lender (and with the purchaser of the tax credits) and to close the project loans. MSK also worked with Redstone to negotiate agreements with the hotel management company, with the parking garage management company, with the national bank that owns adjacent property and which held easements over a portion of the project parcel, and with the City of Burlington to obtain a license to construct and operate outdoor seating in a portion of the adjacent municipal right-of-way.
Attorney: Jeremy Farkas
Photography: Mike Worthington, Jr.