MSK Attorneys represents property owners in Vermont condemnation and eminent domain cases. Our experienced eminent domain and condemnation attorneys will help you protect your property rights and receive fair compensation for any property taken for or impacted by public seizure, use or modification.
Our condemnation and eminent domain lawyers represent residential, agricultural and commercial property owners facing condemnation, inverse condemnation or eminent domain actions by state, city or town officials. If your property is subject to purchase, seizure or other taking, we will defend your rights as a property holder and ensure that you receive fair-market value for property and that only the property “necessary” be taken.
Our attorneys can also assist property owners impacted by state or municipal activities that negatively affect the ability to access, enjoy, develop or profit from a property under Vermont law or subject to other government invasion. In these cases, sometimes known as “takings,” government activity creates conditions that deny property owners their rights and use of their property. Examples include air and noise pollution, light pollution, hazards from materials or equipment storage, water runoff from paving or development and municipal actions that bar permitted use of a property, including for-profit use.
Contact us online or call us at 1-802-861-7000 to discuss state, Federal or municipal actions that impact your property rights, including eminent domain actions and condemnations.
Eminent Domain Attorneys: A.J. LaRosa, Liam Murphy
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