MSK successfully represented a landowner in a zoning enforcement matter involving his neighbor’s construction of a lakeside deck without obtaining the required permit and the neighbor’s claim of estoppel against the Town of Swanton. The matter was complicated by the Town’s failure to appear in the appeal of its notice of violation. Read Decision.
Superior Court Civil Division
Smith et al v. Heney et al 833-9-17 Cncv
MSK successfully represented homeowners in an acquiescence and adverse possession claim and a related fence permit appeal in a combined Civil and Environmental Division case. Read Merits Decision and Judgment Order.
Smugglers’ Notch Management Company, Ltd. V. Timothy M. White and Richard J. White, 115-5-13 LeCv
Smugglers’ Notch Management Company, Ltd. V. Timothy M. White and Richard J. White, 115-5-13 LeCv In this case, Hans Huessy is representing condominium owners that claim that the Smugglers Notch Resort has been overcharging them for certain services. Hans is attempting to get the claim certified as a class action involving all condominium owners at […]
Founders Lodge Condomium Association, Inc. v. Intrawest Stratton Development Corporation, 219-5-15 Wmcv
Founders Lodge Condomium Association, Inc. v. Intrawest Stratton Development Corporation, 219-5-15 Wmcv In this matter, Hans Huessy represented a condominium association at Stratton, Mountain. Hans sought, and obtained by way of summary judgment, a ruling that the developer was compelled to build the proposed second wing of the Founders project, based on statements and representations […]